Home » Chris Brown’s Gun Case May Be Dropped

Chris Brown’s Gun Case May Be Dropped

by Yellah Bone
chris browns gun case may be dropped

chris browns gun case may be dropped

The gun case against Chris Brown is reportedly on the verge of being closed.

According to sources close to the investigation, the District Attorney’s office is not moving forward with Breezy’s gun case. Apparently, there has been a lack of evidence gathered against Brown. The case was supposed to be submitted to prosecutor’s two weeks ago, but had to be pushed back after no new evidence was discovered.

Back in August, Baylee Curran accused Chris Brown of pulling a gun on her after she admired some jewelry in his home. Following a day long stand-off with the police, Brown proclaimed his innocence. However, he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. He was later released on $250,000 bail.

Last month, Brown stated, “I cannot wait till the truth comes to light about this incident and this situation. You know, because my character’s been defaced and who I am as a person and [my] integrity… I’m glad all my real supporters know me and know the truth and see the truth.”

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