Home » Wale Visits Baltimore High School & Speaks Out

Wale Visits Baltimore High School & Speaks Out

by inyaearstaff


In wake of the social injustice happening in Baltimore, rapper Wale payed Fredrick Douglas High school a visit to speak out against the tragic events that occurred around Freddie Grey’s death. Wale said, “We need our community leaders to come step forward and we need these kids to understand that there’s somebody that believes in them.” This begs to question why aren’t more artist taking a stand to be more social about unrest. Today in Union Square, Manhattan thousands marched to support protesters in Baltimore.

The city of Baltimore’s mayor has been known to walk off from on air interviews and continues to tell police not to engage protesters. Do you think this is a wise decision on the mayor’s part? Does this make matters better or worse for the city?

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