Home » Waka Flocka Is No Longer A Vegan

Waka Flocka Is No Longer A Vegan

by Yellah Bone
waka flocka is no longer a vegan

Waka Flocka changes his diet again.

In an effort to get healthy, Waka Flocka adopted a vegan lifestyle. But now the rapper has thrown in the towel and says he is completely over being a vegan.

During a new interview with Paper Magazine, Waka slammed vegans, calling them “too aggressive”, and revealed that he had completely fallen off of the vegan bandwagon.

“I dropped the vegan card. I think saying that I’m a vegan is like putting a title on me. I’m making myself sound like I’m better than somebody else. If I’m saying I’m vegan and you’re not vegan, what does that make you? A sloppy motherfucker? It fucks with me. Just to seem like, “Yo, you shouldn’t eat meat, that’s not good!” Like who’s to say you can’t eat meat?”

“Technically, a plant has just as much life as an animal does, they just don’t have the common sense or mindset, but it’s the same power of life, it feels everything that we feel. When I started reading that vegans can’t eat honey, I was like, y’all going too far. Let me fall back.”

Waka continued, “They scare people and shit, like people are really scared of vegans. They’re like the fucking cops. When vegans are around, people be trying to throw their food under the table, like oh, the vegans!”

Although Waka is no longer interested in a plant-based diet, he says he will continue to be aware of everything that he eats, “I’m conscious about the things I put in my mouth and about the things that I drink.”

Watch Waka explain why he originally went vegan in the video below.

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