Home » Toad’s Place Security Guard Speaks Out Regarding G Herbo And Lil Bibby Brawl In CT

Toad’s Place Security Guard Speaks Out Regarding G Herbo And Lil Bibby Brawl In CT

by Yellah Bone
g herbo and lil bibby brawl

g herbo and lil bibby brawl

A Toad’s Place security guard reveals what really caused the G Herbo and Lil Bibby brawl in Connecticut.

Last night, G Herbo and Lil Bibby performed at Toad’s Place in New Haven, CT when their show took a turn for the worse. Rumor has it that a man tried to snatch Bibby’s chain, which resulted in a full blown brawl – but that isn’t the real story. No one tried to take Bibby’s chain, Bibby and his boys were on a mission to throw some blows after a member of his crew was disrespected.

Apparently, a member of G Herbo’s and Bibby’s crew was denied entry backstage even after telling Toad’s Place security that he had came with the two rappers. After getting into a heated dispute with one of the security guards, the man was body slammed before making his way out the building. The man later returned and shared what happened to him with Herbo and Bibby. This is when Bibby removed his chain from around his neck and passed it to a member of his crew to hold for him so he could fight.

In a clip that was captured of the incident, you can see Bibby hand over his chain only seconds before a nasty brawl breaks out. It’s unclear if Bibby got physical with anyone, but Herbo can be seen caught in the mix and throwing a few punches.

Check out the video below, and then listen to the audio of the security guard to hear what really went down!


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