Home » Teyana Taylor Shows Off Her Rock Hard Abs Only 6 Days After Giving Birth!

Teyana Taylor Shows Off Her Rock Hard Abs Only 6 Days After Giving Birth!

by Yellah Bone


Teyana Taylor’s snap back game is REAL. I thought I had seen it all when Ice-T’s wife Coco Austin snapped back so quickly after having her daughter, but Teyana takes the cake! Only 6 days after giving birth to daughter, TT hopped on Instagram to post a photo of her flaunting her renowned abs writing, “Dear Baby Iman…. Thank you for this snap back in 6 days 😩😩😩😭😭😍😍😍 I love you my darling. Lol #AintNoGymBih #StillGotALongWayToGoButImGettimgThere πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.” According to Teyana, she still has a long way to go to get back in shape, her fans completely disagree, I have to admit I do too, she looks great!

Teyana unexpectedly gave birth to her daughter Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. on December 16. She made the announcement via Instagram writing a heartfelt message, “On Dec 16th at 6:42am in our bathroom Junie decided she wanted to take her first breath into this world. She came out as a wonderful surprise to everyone! Not knowing I was in labor until I felt her head…it took two ten count pushes with my fiancΓ© playing Dr and she entered this world into his bare hands! Eyes full of tears and barely able to speak to the emergency operator @imanshumpert tied a pair of red headphones around the umbilical cord and the ambulance made there grand entrance 5 min later. She opened her eyes right away, gazed into mine and never cried! He handed her to me wrapped in our bath towel and wiped her face for me to see what LOVE really is. She has blown Christmas away! Our family is complete. Her blueprint will be unmatched. Welcome Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. Mommy carried you. Daddy delivered you. #MeetTheParents we love you baby girlπŸ’‚πŸΎπŸžπŸ‘ΆπŸΎ.”

The 25 year old “Liquor” singer was only 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant when she gave birth. Luckily, both her and baby Iman had no complications. This is Teyana’s and fiance Iman Shupert’s first child together.

Check out Teyana’s posts below!

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