Home » Rick Ross Responds To IRS Allegations

Rick Ross Responds To IRS Allegations

by Yellah Bone
rick ross responds to irs allegations

rick ross responds to irs allegations

Rick Ross says his former accountant is to blame for financial woes.

Yesterday, it was revealed that Rick Ross reportedly owes $5.7 million in back taxes from 2012-2014, but according to the Bawse, it’s not what you think. Apparently, an “incorrect filing” done by a “prior accountant” has landed the MMG head honcho in hot water with Uncle Sam. However, Renzel says he has a new team of financial advisers behind him that will clear up the mess.

Ross has since released a statement addressing the debt, “I’ve been fortunate enough to experience financial success on a large scale through both my music career and my many business ventures. With this type of financial success comes financial responsibility.”

“As artists we are blessed to be able to make money, but on the same note, are held accountable for our federal tax obligations just like everyone else. I am fully aware of my current dealings with the IRS. This issue arose from an incorrect filing by a prior accountant for the 2012 tax year.”

“My new team of accountants have corrected the prior filing, and as anyone who has dealt with the IRS understands, it is a process. We have already satisfied a large portion of these issues and I can assure you that we are working very closely with the IRS to bring a full resolution shortly and will continue moving forward in a positive direction!”

Renzel recently remixed Solange’s “Cranes in the Sky.”

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