Home » Rick Ross Is Making A Movie

Rick Ross Is Making A Movie

by Yellah Bone


Despite facing a number of legal woes this year, Rick Ross has managed to stay on track and consistently make music. He recently dropped Black Market, his eighth studio album, followed by two mixtapes, Black Dollar and Renzel Remixes. You can’t deny the fact that the MMG bawse has been working hard. With so much music under his belt, Ross is ready to dive into a new business.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Ross revealed he’s been penning a screenplay for his own gangsta film, GABOS, (an acronym for Game Ain’t Based On Sympathy). Ross stated, “I feel it’s too big to be one film. I feel we should film it, break it down and make it a series, if we can.” GABOS is inspired by two well known crime series, Netflix’s “Narcos” and the legendary Miami Vice. Ross excitedly stated, “The fast music, the live guitars, the Ferrari’s, the women, the beaches, the high-rise condos- that was just like second nature to me.” He also says that GABOS will be “colorful” and “explosive” like his music.

Ross didn’t reveal too many details about the plot, but he did confirm that the film will target certain events from his personal life.

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