Home » Nicki Minaj Speaks On Her Admiration For Jay Z

Nicki Minaj Speaks On Her Admiration For Jay Z

by Yellah Bone
nicki minaj speaks on her admiration for jayz

nicki minaj speaks on her admiration for jayz

Nicki Minaj opens up about her admiration for Jay Z, and her bond with Beyonce.

During her November cover shoot for Marie Claire Magazine, Nicki Minaj touched based on a number of topics including how she modeled her career after Jay Z, as well as collaborating with Queen Bey.

The 33 year old “Anaconda” rapper told Marie Claire, “I can look at someone’s career and just pinpoint the dos and the don’ts, and the one person I’ve done that with for my entire career was Jay Z. He did such a great job being an authentic street guy and a businessman, and I was like, ‘Why aren’t there women doing that, taking the success from rap and channeling it into their empire?’ I felt like anything he could do, I could do.”

Minaj went on to explain what it’s like working with Beyonce, “Every time Bey and I do something together, I see how women are inspired, and it has nothing to do with how we look. It has to do with how we are owning who we are and telling other women you should be the boss of your own career and the brains behind your life or your decisions or your art. I just love that feeling.”

When asked about double standards pertaining to black women in the media, Minaj stated, “When Kim Kardashian’s naked picture came out, [Sharon Osbourne] praised it, and my fans attacked her for being such a hypocrite. So it wasn’t trashy and raunchy when a white woman did it, but it was when a black woman did it? It’s quite pathetic and sad, but that is my reality, and I’ve gotten accustomed to just shutting it down.”

The November issue of Marie Claire will be available on October 18.

Take a look at the photos below!


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