Home » Kid Cudi Ordered To Stay Away From Baby Mother

Kid Cudi Ordered To Stay Away From Baby Mother

by Yellah Bone
kid cudi ordered to stay away from his baby mother

kid cudi ordered to stay away from his baby mother

Kid Cudi and his baby mama are going through some tough times right now.

A Chicago judge has ordered Kid Cudi to stay away from his daughter’s mother, Jacqueline Munyasya, after she was granted an order of protection against him. According to the order, Cudi must cease all contact.

Munyasya claims that over the past two years, Cudi has caused her emotional distress, and that she is in fear of her life. The ex-couple’s custody battle stretches back to 2010, when Munyasya sued Cudi for child support.

Most recently, the former G.O.O.D. Music rapper sent his ex 168 texts between August 11th and 14th. Many of the texts sent to Munyasya were threatening and demeaning, with Cudi even demanding that Munyasya stop letting their daughter, Vada, hang out with white people.

To make matter worse, Munyasya says that Cudi has violent tendencies, and has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse – which Cudi has admitted to in the past. Munyasya was awarded primary custody when Cudi gave up his fight for joint custody.

The order of protection will remain in effect until August 18, 2017.

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