Home » Kevin Gates Using Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law” In Fan Kicking Incident

Kevin Gates Using Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law” In Fan Kicking Incident

by Yellah Bone


Back in September, Kevin Gates forcefully kicked a female fan in the chest after she continuously grabbed him and tugged on his shorts during an performance. After seeing the shocking footage, many believed that the 30 year old “2 Phones” rapper overreacted, and ultimately ended up being sued by the victim, 18 year old Miranda Dixon. Gates has also been charged with simple battery. But Gates doesn’t plan on going down without a fight.

According to TMZ, Gates has filed a response to incident claiming that he gave Dixon a verbal warning to stop before kicking her, but she continued to try and pull him off of the stage. In court documents, Gates states that he used necessary force to defend himself and prevent further harm under Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground Law”. Gates is asking the judge to throw out the case.

The “Stand Your Ground Law” has gained much criticism every since George Zimmerman cited the law in his defense for shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

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