Home » Dr. Dre Won’t Face Gun Charges Following Malibu Incident

Dr. Dre Won’t Face Gun Charges Following Malibu Incident

by Yellah Bone


Dr. Dre won’t be charged over Malibu gun case.

Dr. Dre just dodged a bullet! The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office has rejected a gun charge against Dre due to insufficient evidence.

On Monday, an unidentified motorist blocked the driveway to Dre’s Malibu home, and became belligerent when he asked him to move. The motorist allegedly left, but later returned and parked near the mogul’s home. When Dre pulled out his phone to record the incident, the motorist called the police and told them that he had pointed a gun at him and threatened him.

When police arrived, Dre was cited for a misdemeanor, before being cuffed and briefly detained. Upon searching Dre, no firearm was found and he was released. The motorist then filed a citizen’s arrest. The District Attorney’s office paperwork included the following, “Victim initially said he was only angry and not in fear. There were discrepancies between victim’s description of suspect’s clothing and vehicle and suspect’s actual clothing and vehicle.”

Dre has yet to release a statement regarding the incident.

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