Home » Chris Brown Wins Joint Custody Of His Daughter Royalty!

Chris Brown Wins Joint Custody Of His Daughter Royalty!

by Yellah Bone


Chris Brown is probably the happiest man alive right now! After appearing in a Houston courthouse earlier this morning, a judge awarded the 26 year old “Liquor” singer joint custody of his daughter Royalty, and he was able to take her home immediately. With both Brown and Guzman living in Los Angeles now, the judge ruled that Royalty would go back and forth between her parents every four days.

Brown has been embroiled in a nasty custody battle with Royalty’s mother, Nia Guzman, for quite some time now. Originally, Guzman attempted to deny Brown any custodial rights and was pushing for him to have supervised visits only. The judge definitely ruled in Brown’s favor! The judge also ordered Brown to continue to pay Guzman $2,500 per month in child support instead of the $15,000 that she was seeking.

I hope Guzman doesn’t have any plans of slamming Brown on blogs or interviews since the judge ordered her not to speak negatively about Brown anymore, nor discuss anything about the case on social media.

Congratulations Breezy!

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