Home » Chris Brown Attacked Outside Of Los Angeles Nightclub!

Chris Brown Attacked Outside Of Los Angeles Nightclub!

by Yellah Bone


Unfortunately, trouble continues to find Chris Brown. The 26 year old “Liquor” singer was exiting Warwick cocktail lounge in Los Angeles Wednesday night when two unidentified men grabbed his shirt, only to be quickly escorted away by security personnel seconds later. Totally unfazed by the incident, Breezy hopped in his red Lamborghini and drove off. A rep for the singer told the Daily News, “Someone he didn’t know tried to hug him and his security stepped in”. Brown has a history of violence, so it’s shocking, but great news, that he just walked away from the situation.

In 2009, Brown assaulted his girlfriend at the time, Rihanna, and was put on probation, which ended back in March. On Wednesday, the singer tweeted that he believes his domestic violence history can help raise awareness about the issue. Brown stated, “My life mistakes should be a wake up call for everyone. Showing the world that mistakes don’t define you. Trying to prevent spousal abuse.”

On September 24, news broke that Brown could possibly be banned from Australia due to his history of domestic violence. The Australian Minister for Women, Michaelia Cash, spoke at a launch event for a federal initiative to prevent domestic violence stating, “People need to understand, if you are going to commit domestic violence and you want to travel around the world, there are going to be countries that say to you, ‘You cannot come in because you are not of the character that we expect in Australia’. I can assure you that the minister for immigration and border protection will be looking at this very, very seriously. I am clearly not going to pre-empt a decision by the minister, however, I can assure you what my strong recommendation would be.”

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