Home » Chris Brown Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Weapon, Released On $250,000 Bail

Chris Brown Arrested For Assault With A Deadly Weapon, Released On $250,000 Bail

by Yellah Bone
chris brown arrested, released on 250000 bail

chris brown arrested, released on 250000 bail

Chris Brown was arrested yesterday for assault with a deadly weapon. After an extremely long and public standoff with the LAPD, they obtained a search warrant that allowed them to search Brown’s home for hours. However, late last night, the 27 year old “Royalty” singer was released from jail on $250,000 bail.

Brown’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, released the following statement via Twitter, “Thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes. Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy.”

Early Tuesday morning, Baylee Curran called the police after Brown reportedly pointed a gun at her face. Curran claims that Brown and another man became irate after she she went to admire a diamond cross necklace. It also appears that Curran has a criminal history of her own – she allegedly stole a designer purse from The Plaza hotel and is wanted in New York City for questioning.

Brown is due back in court on September 20.

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