Home » Bobby Shmurda’s Lawyer Challenges NYPD Officers Involved

Bobby Shmurda’s Lawyer Challenges NYPD Officers Involved

by Yellah Bone


Monday morning, Bobby Shmurda, born Ackquille Pollard, returned to Manhattan Supreme criminal court alongside his fellow GS9 crew members Chad Marshall (Rowdy Rebel), Alex Crandon, Rashid Derrisant, and Santino Broderick to attend a pre-trial hearing for the 2014 charges of conspiracy, weapons, and narcotics. Pollard was represented by a new lawyer, Alex Spiro, of the law firm Branfman & Associates.

During the hearing, Spiro requested a new bail hearing, which was granted by Judge James Burke for Tuesday, January 19. Spiro also requested complete record and transcripts of phone calls made to and from Rikers Island by every individual involved in the case, as well as all records of Pollard’s stops and arrests stating, “A couple of detectives involved in this case have significant credibility issues. I learned these same detectives have been stopping my client for years. Each one of those stop and frisk reports have to be turned over before this case proceeds. It is our position by stopping him and frisking him, and not finding contraband, that absence of evidence is evidence.”

Spiro also requested records from the Special Narcotics Prosecutors’ office alleging that some of the officers involved in the case had been sued in federal court for planting evidence, have made false arrests, and have violated arrestee’s Fourth Amendment rights, therefore, leaving some “burdensome files” in Pollard’s case.

Pollard’strial will begin on February 22.

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