Home » Blac Chyna’s Mother Toyko Toni Hit With Restraining Order For Threatening To Kill Her Husband

Blac Chyna’s Mother Toyko Toni Hit With Restraining Order For Threatening To Kill Her Husband

by Yellah Bone


The Kardashian/Jenner clan might want to think twice before coming for Blac Chyna and her mother. Rob Kardashian’s future mother in law, born Shalana Jones-Hunter, known as Ms. Tokyo Toni online, is not one to be messed with. Today, it was revealed that Toni was hit with a restraining order back in 2013 after threatening to kill her husband, Marcellus Hunter.

Earlier this morning, Toni confirmed that the story is in fact true, taking to Instagram posting a photo of the restraining order. The caption read, “This is a very true story. The funny part is he better not try again LOL. Yeah he stayed out nine days in a row without calling home so what did you think I was going to write him a fairytale story and kiss him goodnight, no b*tch.” The post has since been deleted.

When filing the paperwork, Hunter claimed, “Shalana is violent when angry. She often tries to start a physical altercation. I have hundreds of texts [threatening] bodily harm, threats to come to my job and get me fired. Threats to ‘crack my head open’ if I return to my home. Threats to leave me in a landfill. I want the threats to stop. I want her out of my home…She has already cut up my clothes!”

The restraining order was in effect until August 2014.

Clearly, they have worked through their differences, because Toni posted a video of her with her husband, who claimed that they were very happy.

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