Home » From the Pulpit to Center Stage, Meet The Reasn

From the Pulpit to Center Stage, Meet The Reasn

by inyaearstaff

In the journey of life, we all encounter our fair share of troubles and hardships that must be endured in order to reap a plentiful harvest.

In the midst of that journey, every setback or hiccup in the road draws you closer to your purpose, or better yet, your reason.

The self-proclaimed Black Rockstar is here to put in all the work required in order to reach new heights in his career.

“One hand on the bible, one hand with a drink. That’s how I can explain my music best.” — The Reasn 

I’m willing to bet top dollar that the referenced drink may be the furthest thing from communion wine, but The Reasn’s spiritual alignment is nothing to question. Getting his start in music at an early age with help from his loving mother, Reasn is quite familiar with religion as it relates to music, as he was part of his church’s choir.

However, that was just the tip of the iceberg as a peculiar series of events led this Missouri native to embark on a journey that would forever transcend his musical career.

After launching his debut album in 2016 with 70 West, The Reasn’s prowess an artist was displayed as he garnered the attention of multi-platinum selling artist B.O.B,  landing a supporting slot on his North American Tour.

The Reasn incorporates elements of Rock, R&B and Pop into his music while simultaneously personifying a unique bravado that adds flavor to his essence.

With releasing his hot new single entitled “Slow” earlier this year, curious minds couldn’t help but ponder as to what the remainder of 2019 has in-store for The Black Rockstar.

We had the opportunity to sit down with The Reasn to talk new music, inspirations and more.


Q: What inspired the name?

A: I feel like I was born to be a voice of reason for the new generation. I have a certain message and  a certain sound about being yourself.

Q: What was it like growing up?

A: It’s (Columbia, Missouri) a really diverse place, especially where I grew up. The high-school I went to, my mom was actually a teacher there. That’s basically where I got all of my morals from.

Q: What inspires your creativity as an artist?

A: Life. Man, I’ve been through so much. I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way in this music game. Me and my friends figuring this thing out, doing it our way and learning by experience. Anything you hear in my music, I’ve experienced it.

Q: How did you get started with music?

A: I was in a group when I was 14. Me and my friends got together for a talent show type-thing. Shortly after, I realized I was never meant to be in a group with the way I liked to get my message across in music. So, it really started in youth.

Q: When did you realize music was something you’re destined to do?

A: It’s all in God’s plan. Things that I didn’t understand then as a child, I understand now as to why I’m supposed to do music. I feel like this is a platform for me to help and touch as many people as I can. I was dyslexic in school, so I had to memorize everything. So, now when I do music, I memorize all of my lyrics and it makes me move faster, songs come out better, and I can get my emotions across faster.

Q: Talk to me about touring with B.O.B

A: I have a lot of respect for B.O.B, packed house or anything, he brings the same type of energy. At the beginning of the tour, I’m not even sure if he knew my name, but at the end of it he definitely did. He’d be like “Reasn, I need you to do your thing, they coming to see you a lot now too.” No disrespect to what he did of course. So, I just learned that the better I did, the more he supported me.

Q: Talk to me about your transition in music

A: My mom put me in a church choir early and I’m thankful for that, because I feel like that’s the only way to stay sane, is to keep God on your side. My mom is one of my biggest critics when it comes to music. She’s really the reason behind how I started music. It’s crazy, because where I’m from, she’s known as the singer, so I look up to her for that.

Q: How would you describe your music?

A: One hand on the bible, one hand with a drink. That’s how I can explain my music best.

Q: Talk to me about “Slow”

A: Slow is like the beginning of the wave that we’re bringing into 2019. When they can’t understand you, they want to do something to understand you. So, we had to figure out how to simplify it, but still be complex.

Q: What can we expect from you in 2019? 

A: You can expect greatness. That’s all I know, it’s either “0” or “100” for me. People want me to drop trap albums, people want me to sound like this, but now I’ve found my own wave and everyone’s tryna catch up to that.

For more updates and new music, be sure to follow The Reasn @thereasn

By Derrius Edwards


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