Home » Dizzy Wright – Ghetto Nigga

Dizzy Wright – Ghetto Nigga

by Yellah Bone
dizzy wright ghetto nigga

dizzy wright ghetto nigga

Dizzy Wright makes a return with “Ghetto Nigga.”

As part of his Still Movin Monday series, Dizzy Wright releases his 19th consecutive song, Ghetto Nigga.

On the Roc N Mayne and Shy Beats produced track, Wright reminisces about some of the hardships he faced in life prior to the fame, “Ghetto nigga get my hoop on / Telling myself a shelter is better than a group home / Telling myself at least I’m lucky to have these shoes on / Fuck is you on.”

Fans are anxiously waiting for Wright to drop his The Golden Age 2 project, which acts as the follow up to 2013’s The Golden Age.

Stream Ghetto Nigga below.

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