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Troy Ave’s Lawyer Asks Public for Help

by Yellah Bone


Well, this can’t be good. Troy Ave’s lawyer, Scott Leemon, is asking the public to come together and help him defend his client against attempted murder charges. Following last week’s shooting at Irving Plaza, Troy was arrested while recovering at the hospital from a gunshot wound to the leg. His charges include reckless endangerment and illegal possession of a firearm. If the ballistics results prove that Troy killed his bodyguard, Ronald “Banga” McPhatter, the New York rapper’s attempted murder charge could be upgraded to murder.

Fox 5 news reporter Lisa Evers recently caught up with Leemon who is asking anyone with information regarding the shooting to send an e-mail to TroyAveInfo@LeemonLaw.com. Lemon stated, “We’re going to ask anyone who was there, anyone who has any information or anyone who knows someone who was in that VIP room that night — we have set up a special e-mail address. We know some people have problems talking to and working with NYPD — help us. Help me defend Troy.”

Leemon continued, “What troubles me most is the misinformation that is being sent out. NYPD knows Troy didn’t shoot himself. They know Troy didn’t shoot his bodyguard. That man died a hero. And to imply anything — that Troy would actually hurt his lifelong friend — is absolutely insane and irresponsible.”

As far as the surveillance that showed Troy opening fire, Leemon stated, “I really can’t talk about the piece of video except that it wasn’t complete. You don’t know what happened before, and you don’t know what happened after … It’s not the whole story.”

Troy is currently incarcerated at Rikers Island with no bail.

Check out the video below!

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