Home » Jay Z Reportedly Working On “Lemonade” Response Album

Jay Z Reportedly Working On “Lemonade” Response Album

by Yellah Bone


With the release of her new Lemonade album, Bey raised a few eyebrows. The album’s main focus seemed to be about a woman dealing her with her husband’s infidelities, leading many fans to believe that she was referring to her and Jay Z’s marriage.

But Beyonce and Jay have never been ones to air out their dirty laundry or give in to publicity stunts. Was Lemonade used as a ploy to fool fans into believing that their marriage is on the brinks? If so, it worked well. Ninety five percent of woman around the world have purchased the album and feel some type of connection with the lyrics. Jay Z has been quiet since the release of the album, but reportedly has his own “response” album in the works, which will address everything that Bey is singing about.

A close source to told US Weekly, “Jay is working on an album telling his side of things. People want to make it about her. Maybe she dug deep and made it about something we all could relate to.” A second source feels otherwise, stating, “The album says it all. It explains how she and Jay got through their problems. The good outweighed the bad, so she gave him a second chance.”

Jay Z and Roc Nation have yet to confirm or deny that he has an album on the way.

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