Home » 50 Cent Under Fire After Making Fun Of Autistic Airport Worker

50 Cent Under Fire After Making Fun Of Autistic Airport Worker

by Yellah Bone


It’s no secret that 50 Cent loves a good laugh. But his recent joke has backfired, and he may even be slapped with a lawsuit in the near future. On Sunday, 50 posted a video onto Instagram where he accused a 19 year old janitor at a Cincinnati airport of being high on drugs. It turns out that the 19 year old man, Andrew Farrell, is actually disabled, suffers from autism, social anxiety, Asperger’s syndrome, and has a hearing deficiency which forces him to wear a hearing aid.

The cruel video has since been removed from Fif’s Instagram page, but not before Farrell’s parents caught wind of it. As expected, his parents are highly upset, his stepfather, Ken Kramer, told Fox 19, “Just sickening. It’s very hard to watch. To put this video out there, say my son is on drugs or whatever, that’s part of his social anxiety he’s not wanting to talk, he’s not wanting to communicate. He’s walking on, he’s doing his job.”

Farrell’s mother, Amanda, stated, “I want him to apologize to him more than anything and say that he was wrong. He should not have made those snap judgments. I’m tempted to contact a lawyer, but I don’t have the resources to do that. Sometimes it’s hard to fight a celebrity.”

According to TMZ, the Farrell family has a lawyer lined up and plans on suing 50, but they are concerned about lawyer fees. They have expressed that they are willing to sweep the entire incident under the rug if 50 Cent donates $1 million to Andrew’s GoFundMe page, and makes a face-to-face apology.

Apparently, they aren’t up to date on Fif’s finances.

Stayed tuned, and check out 50’s video of Farrell below.


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