Home » Meet Taylor J, Minnesota’s Poised Lyricist

Meet Taylor J, Minnesota’s Poised Lyricist

by Derrius Edwards

Humble beginnings may the most appropriate way to articulate Taylor J’s emergence in hip-hop.

The Saint Paul, Minnesota MC shut down the Atmosphere & Friends Stage at Soundset Music Festival last week and proceeded to carry that same vivacity into releasing his latest project entitled “Roses“.

Roses are subtle and yet so powerful in personifying emotion or expressing our innermost desires. Even further, roses are indicative of feeling, a warm sensation that displays euphoria.

“At what point in your life do you see roses..at what point in your life are roses necessary. When you love something, you give it roses. When something dies, you give it roses. Even aside from that, every different color rose means different things.” — Taylor J 

With an unwavering desire to excel musically and an innate ability to dissect the fundamental principles required to elevate in hip-hop, Taylor J’s progressive takeover is impending.

We had the opportunity to briefly interview the rising lyricist after his performance at Soundset where he discusses music, the inspiration behind “Roses” & more.

Q – What inspires your creativity as an artist?

A – Day-to-day, it’s just what I love to do. If I didn’t do it, I would just feel empty bro. I’m inspired by everyday shit that just be happening. My boys, my family, shit I wanna do, things I want to have.


Q – What has been one of the most challenging obstacles you’ve had to overcome as an artist?

A – Trusting my own artistry. Trusting my own sound, trusting my craft and talent. It’s so many other artists in the world and in the industry, you got to believe in what you have to offer. It was even a challenge in finding my own sound and what I have to offer. You got to find your own lane and be comfortable in it.


Q – What does it mean to be a St.Paul native and  perform at a prestigious event such as Soundset?

A – Bro it means everything. This is a main event for Minnesota, one of the biggest independent festivals in the nation. So, to be here on the fairgrounds, right here off of Snelling, that’s love. It means I’m on the right track and I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.


Q – Talk to me about “Roses” 

A – Originally, I had the idea to drop a project titled “Roses” two years ago and it was going to be a project for the females. I never really got to it bro and ended up releasing a couple other projects and decided to put that one in the cabinet. When it was time for a new project, I kind of dug back into that cabinet and this was sitting there. So, I just started to think of what do roses mean.

At what point in your life do you see roses..at what point in your life are roses necessary. When you love something, you give it roses. When something dies, you give it roses. Even aside from that, every different color rose means different things.

It’s a lot of old habits that’re dying, I’ll give them some roses. The life I’m living now, I love it, so I’ll give that some roses.


Q – What do you feel like the most appropriate “call to action” would be to combat all the negative light being shed on hip-hop artist as of late?

A– We (artists) just need to think about the positive shit in life and spread love bro.

Set examples for people, we all living good and doing what we dreamed of doing, we blessed to be in the position that we’re in.

We just need to focus on staying strong together.



Stay connected with Taylor J via social media by following @TaylorJTakeover on all platforms and make sure you check out his most recent project here.


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