Home » Troy Ave Addresses “Beef” With ILoveMankonnen; Questions How A Hairdresser Raps About Selling Drugs

Troy Ave Addresses “Beef” With ILoveMankonnen; Questions How A Hairdresser Raps About Selling Drugs

by jessie spencer


Back in late October, former hairdresser ,and now rap superstar ILoveMankonnen was pulled off stage while performing in New York City by an unknown assailant, and was hit over the head several times. Allegedy because of the beef between him,and Brooklyn rapper Troy Ave.

A couple weeks before the beat down in NYC, ILoveMankonnen critized other remixing his hit song “Tuesday”on Twitter, Troy Ave quickly responded by threatening the eccentric chunky rapper.


Soon after Troy Ave’s henchman was ID’d by people on Twitter, who have way too much time on their hands as ILoveMankonnen’s attacker. Troy Ave quickly denied that he had anything to do with the altercation in New York.


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