Home » Sonny Digital – Look At Me Now

Sonny Digital – Look At Me Now

by Yellah Bone
sonny digital look at me now

sonny digital look at me now

Sonny Digital gets boastful on “Look At Me Now.”

Just in time for the fourth of July, Sonny Digital drops off new tunes for you to blast at your cookout. On the new track entitled “Look At Me Now”, the Atlanta producer celebrates his come up and success, and even takes a few stabs at his haters who didn’t believe in him.

On the melodic beat, Sonny raps, “I get money everyday, you get money never never / I just do it with no effort, gotta hold it down forever / No you can’t walk in my shoes / All of my diamonds they wet, just like I came off a cruise.”

Listen to Sonny Digital flex on Look At Me Now below.

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