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Rich The Kid Sued Over Paternity And Child Support

by Yellah Bone
rich the kid sued over paternity and child support

A hairstylist claims Rich The Kid fathered her daughter.

Rich The Kid is currently dealing with some legal woes. Atlanta-based hairstylist, Candis Watts, claims that the “Plug Walk” rapper is the biological father of her 5 year old daughter, D’Jean – and she wants him to step up to the plate and help take care of her.

With some help from The California Department of Child Support Services, Watts is now suing Rich to establish paternity and child support. Watts claims her daughter was born in 2013 while she and Rich were in a “volatile relationship.” During this time, they reportedly lived together for one month in Marietta, Georgia.

Watts wrote the following in her court documents, “We met in Atlanta in 2011. Inseparable for majority of our relationship. There were many fall-outs but always ended up back together. My family and his family can attest to the dysfunction and toxicity of relationship and the negligence on.”

Watts noted that Rich The Kid was not present at the hospital when she gave birth. However, he did visit her shortly after, and allegedly admitted that he was the child’s father. He is not listed as the father on the birth certificate.

At one point, Rich allowed Watts to stay with his family in California for three months while she dealt with “financial hardship.” Watts makes $2,000 a month, and has a son to take care of as well. She says that Rich has not offered to pay for any of the child’s medical bills, but he did offer money for her to get an abortion.

In her suit, Watts also wrote, “He is very inconsistent with child support and communication with D’Jean. Last “payment” I received was Feb. 6, 2018 for $800 and the time before that he had his wife send me $420 in or around March-April 2017 so my car would not be repo’d. Before that, I cannot recall a time when he sent child support.”

Watts has also accused RTK of moving every two to three months in order to dodge being served.

Rich has yet to publicly address Watts’ claims.

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