Home » Interview – Meet pineappleCITI, New Jersey’s Multifaceted Wordsmith

Interview – Meet pineappleCITI, New Jersey’s Multifaceted Wordsmith

by Derrius Edwards

pineappleCITI is New Jersey’s next artist on the rise and her lyrical merit is an attestation of this warranted truth. 

Spearheading the role as one of Red Bull Records more versatile artists, this unique embodiment of musical savviness and melodic cadences embraces the peculiar instances throughout life that have manifested her impending success.

I think what keeps me grounded is my belief in God. I know I’m not doing this alone, I’m co-creating right now“. 

Adversity doesn’t have a face and a lot of times it’s much easier to cavil at life’s unprecedented disturbances, but we tend to experience the most growth once we combat change with strategic alignment and tenacious intent.

The story of pineappleCITI is one encompassed with perseverance, pious adherence and favorable appeal.

In this over-the-phone interview we had the opportunity to unpack her truth and shed insight on what characteristics played an integral role in this young MC’s crusade of musical eminence.


I’m big on name origin – How exactly did you come up with ‘pineappleCITI’? 

pineappleCITI– I’m actually from Newark, New Jersey. Newark is known as ‘Brick City’. I’ve been doing music since I was six years old, my dad is actually a DJ and I used to carry around this lil’ rap book when I was younger.

My dad started calling me Brit-City, because my name is Brittany. The ‘CITI’ came from that – One day I was eating some pineapples in the car with my friend and he was like “Yo! When you put your hair in a bun it looks like a pineapple”. I kind of thought he was crazy, but after a while it stuck with me.  

pineappleCITI blended on its own, it represents who I am in so many different ways.  

Pineapples are hard on the outside and sweet on the inside.  


With you originally being from New Jersey, how did that environment play a role in influencing your sound?  

pineappleCITI – Anybody from Jersey will tell you that we have some versatility in our taste of music.

My dad, step father and grandfather, all of them were DJ’s as well – They played House Music, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, early 80’s etc., and that really exposed me to a wide taste of music early on. 

I feel like that’s where I get my versatility from.  


How would you best describe being apart of Red Bull Records?

pineappleCITI – Red Bull is amazing. I started off about two-years-ago on Red Bull Publishing as a songwriter. Those guys over there believed in me and saw what I could do as an artist and songwriter myself. The first thing they did was have me working with Kelly Rowland – I was like in awe.  

Just that being the first thing was crazy. It was almost natural for me moving over to Red Bull Records because of the family-oriented feeling.

It just feels like a home more so instead of a label. We sit down, have face-to-face conversations, I go out to eat with these people.  


Speaking of two-years-ago, you released your self-titled project Pineappleciti – Now we’ve transitioned to one of your most recent offerings with the neonBLUE EP. All things considered, what was the curation process like with this new body of work?  

pineappleCITI – neonBLUE kind of just came together on its own. I had been working on music all year long and the deadline to get an EP going was coming up for me and I got in the studio at the last possible second and recorded majority of the project in the last few weeks of actually putting it together.  

It’s something about the pressure that puts me in the moment.  

neonBLUE is a symbol of everything I was going through at that time. I feel like I’m able to speak my life through music, it’s just crazy how it came together.  

I Need a Coupe’ was actually done a couple months before that – it’s like the only song I done beforehand that made it onto the project. It’s a manifestation song about me believing in myself enough to affirm and manifest the blessings in my life.  


What was it like creating your latest single ‘Recognize’?

pineappleCITI – I actually had that beat for a really long time. Everything that I been through to get where I’m at today just spilled out.  

I feel like anybody can understand the feeling of not being recognized and feel like people don’t see the effort or work that you’re putting in. You see some people have overnight success stories and I’m a firm believer that God wanted me to sit in the oven a bit longer, you know – put some flavor and seasoning on me.  

Recognize’ really symbolizes the feeling of what I’ve been going through to get where I am today and it shows how I still got work to do.  

 What has been one of the most rewarding aspects of your journey thus far?  

pineappleCITI – To be honest, I’m staring at my billboard right now, it’s like an unbelievable feeling to me.

It’s the little things – things like seeing my face on a billboard and seeing the work that I put in is an amazing feeling.  

I just want to encourage everybody and have them feel the same way.  


Everyone has their fair share of adversity, shortcomings or hardships that they tend to endure, it’s almost inevitable in this industry – With that in mind, how do you handle the pressure?  

pineappleCITI – I think what keeps me grounded is my belief in God. I know I’m not doing this alone, I’m co-creating right now.  

As long as I’m believing in myself, I know there’s someone out there that believes in me too and is willing to help me do this thing.  

I feel like sometimes people fold under pressure because they may walk in a room and feel like they don’t belong, but it’s okay to feel that way.

If you’re there you are there for a reason.  


What do you feel like has been one of the most teachable moments throughout your experience in music? 

pineappleCITI – My car accident. I got into a car accident in 2016 where I couldn’t walk for nearly 2 years, I couldn’t walk unassisted for a while.  

What it taught me was patience. I quit my job and really pursued music full-time, but I wasn’t taking time to really think about my purpose on this planet. I was pretty much just doing anything. It taught me how to have a goal and just focus on that.  

That moment taught me perseverance – I have to live everyday like it’s my last and not let fear stop me in any way.  


What can we expect from pineappleCITI going forward into 2020? 

pineappleCITI – I feel like this is the season that my pressure cooker go off.

Remember when I told you I feel like God had me in the oven for a second? I’m about to pop out and we both gone show up and show out.  

I know I got some new music on the way for y’all. I just truly believe that I’m going to go further than my own expectations.  


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