Home » NYPD Believes Chinx Was An Intended Target

NYPD Believes Chinx Was An Intended Target

by Yellah Bone


Its almost been a full year since Chinx was shot and killed in his hometown of Queens. The case remains unsolved, leaving his family and friends wondering what really transpired the night he was murdered, and who was the mysterious gunman behind the crime.

Chinx was rising to the prime of his career before his untimely death, and it’s possible that someone was envious of his success. According to detectives Lieutenant Richard Rudolph and Lieutenant Louron Hall of the NYPD, the “How To Get Rich” rapper’s death wasn’t accidental nor the result of a drive-by shooting, he was targeted. Rudolph and Hall believe that the shooter shot into Chinx’s vehicle while standing right next to it, opposed to shooting from another car.

Rudolph stated, “I wouldn’t call it a set up, but was he a target? Yes…So, we believe our shooter walked up and fired into that car. He [Chinx] was not involved, as far as we know, with any type of serious drugs. But he was about to make it big. He was going to make money. Nobody, who knows anything about this murder specifically, is cooperating with the police at this time.”

Hall encourages members of the rap industry to come forward with any information they may have regarding the shooting. There have been no arrests made so far.

Chinx, 31, leaves behind a wife and 4 children.

His second posthumous album, Legends Never Die, is set to be released on June 3, 2016.

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