Home » New Court Documents Reveal 50 Cent’s Finances

New Court Documents Reveal 50 Cent’s Finances

by Yellah Bone


According to court documents, rapper 50 Cent has a monthly income of $185,000, which he has acquired from investment and royalties. This may seem like a fortune to an average person who could survive off of that income for a year, but it’s barely enough for 50 whose monthly expenses total $108,000. Fif reports his monthly expenses include $67,000 for his Farmington, Connecticut mansion, $14,000 for utilities, $600 for telephone services, $3,000 on his wardrobe, $1,000 on grooming, and $5,000 on gardening, along with a slew of other expenses.

The 40 year old musician and actor filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last month after a New York City judge ordered him to pay $7 million dollars to Rick Ross’ baby mother, Lastonia Leviston, after he posted a sex tape online that she made with her ex-boyfriend. Originally he had been ordered to pay $5 million, but it was raised $2 million in punitive damages. 50 is currently appealing the ruling.

He has described his move to file for bankruptcy a “strategic business move”.

He is currently paying child support for 2 children, one who will turn 18 very soon, and a 3 year old with model Daphne Joy, whose child support payments will total $832,600 by the time the child reaches 18 years of age.

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