Home » Malik Yusef Reveals Details About Kanye West’s Mental Health Status

Malik Yusef Reveals Details About Kanye West’s Mental Health Status

by Yellah Bone


I think everyone is starting to get used to Kanye West going off on random tangents and rants, but to this day, nobody knows why. Of course we can call Kanye crazy, or say that he’s an attention wh*re like his wife, but according to Ye’s mentor, Malik Yusef, it’s much more than that.

Yusef is a 5 time Grammy winner, who has worked on every single track on “The Life Of Pablo”. Clearly, Ye and Yusef have spent endless nights together in the studio, so Yusef’s revelations about Ye maybe enlightening, instead of troublesome. In an interview with Drea O, Yusef discussed his new book, “Infrared Poetry”, and working alongside Ye.

On working on “TLOP”: “It’s always the same, working with Kanye, you know, it’s always very difficult, it’s always a task of great arduity, it’s always an argument it’s always a fight. Sometimes even a genius needs to have direction. Sometimes it’s hard to give a brain that big and that powerful some directions.”

On Kanye’s mental status: “[Kanye] doesn’t take his medication because he chooses not to, and I applaud him for that. Whatever they prescribe you for like bipolar or schizophrenia, whatever they diagnosed him as but that doesn’t mean anything. You know, they can diagnose you as all kind of stuff, that doesn’t mean you have to adhere to those principles. And Kanye doesn’t adhere to it.”

Check out the interview for yourself below! (Yusef began talking about Ye’s mental health around the 2:30 mark).

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