Home » Lupe Fiasco Wants out of his deal at Atlantic Records

Lupe Fiasco Wants out of his deal at Atlantic Records

by Rich


Artist and long time music vet Lupe Fiasco visits Torae of “The Tor Guide” a hip hop show on SiriusXM Radio, To speak about why he can’t wait till his deal is up over at Atlantic Records. The rapper says quote “I don’t have a 360 deal,” Since they can’t eat off my merchandise or my publishing or my touring they treat me like a third-class citizen up there. I paid the price for that. Lupe also goes on too explain how he had his deal since 2005.

The executives at the label have been trying to get him to sign a 360 deal since his sophomore album. Executives at Atlantic Records told him if he did not sign the 360 deal they were not going to be able to give him the proper promotion. Lupe decided he was not gonna sign, And since then the label has just not put the work into him, The artist also stated how he has good relationships with certain people at Atlantic Records, But on a executive level they do not give him respect.

Watch the video below, And take Lupe fiasco’s Situation as a learning experience. Don’t let the labels rape you!

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