Home » Gucci Mane Pays $500 For His Haircut (Video)

Gucci Mane Pays $500 For His Haircut (Video)

by AJ Sledge
gucci $500 haircut

Wow! Gucci Mane pays up to $500 for a haircut.

Let’s face it, when your a guy, every two weeks we pretty much need a haircut. When going to get clipped up, most of us try to find a barber who can actually cut hair, but who is also not to pricey for a touch up.

In a recent video via Instagram, Atlanta frontman Gucci Mane, showed us just how high a simple haircut could go in price. According to the Guster, him and his barber came up with a new hair style the two call “The Guccimane Haircut“.

Running at a whopping $500 for 1 cut, I don’t think you could ever catch a guy like me dropping 500 whole dollars on a cut. I guess when your Gucci Mane though, anything goes.

Would any of you guys spend that type of dough on new hairdo? Give us your thoughts in the comment section below.

gucci mane haircut

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