Home » Columbus Police Shoot And Kill 13 Year Old Tyre King

Columbus Police Shoot And Kill 13 Year Old Tyre King

by Yellah Bone
columbus police shoot and kill 13 year old tyre king

columbus police shoot and kill 13 year old tyre king

Tyre King was violently gunned down earlier this week.

On Wednesday, a white Ohio, Columbus police officer responding to a reported armed robbery shot and killed 13 year old Tyre King. Police said King had pulled “what looked like handgun from his waistband as officers pursued him and two other robbery suspects.” It was later discovered that King was carrying a BB gun with an attached laser sight. Columbus police chief, Kim Jacobs, stated that the BB gun “looks practically identical” to the type of handgun that police carry.

Sadly, King was shot numerous times, and died shortly after being transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The officers and the other male involved in the incident weren’t injured. According to audio released by the police, a caller told a 911 dispatcher, “This man just had a gun on this white dude on the street!” The caller also stated the armed robber was a “black boy in a hoodie” and “the guys just took off running.”

Authorities have identified the man who shot King, as Officer Bryan Mason, a 9 year veteran of the force. Mason will be placed on leave for a week while an investigation is being conducted.

One of King’s family lawyers, Sean Walton, released a statement saying that what police described is “out of his normal character.” Walton added, “There are allegations that have been made regarding his actions, and those allegations cannot be taken as factual until a thorough, unbiased investigation has taken place.”

King was an eighth-grader at Linden-McKinley STEM Academy who loved football. He is survived by three sisters and a baby brother.

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