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Charges Dropped Against BTY YoungN Suspects

by Yellah Bone
charges dropped against bty youngn suspects

Two men who were arrested for murdering BTY YoungN will face no charges.

A new update in BTY YoungN’s case has proven to be quite disappointing. On February 23, the New Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office dropped murder charges against two men, Darryl Bannister Jr. and Kyron Williams.

Bannister and Williams were accused of shooting and killing BTY, born Desmone Jerome, outside of a Shell gas station last April.

An iPhone with Bannister’s fingerprints on it was retrieved at the murder scene. However, Bannister told detectives that his phone was stolen from him at his friend’s house party the night of BTY’s murder. In a statement given to the police, Bannister also denied any knowledge of the shooting.

Williams’ DNA was found on the cell phone as well, but prosecutors have revealed very little information as to why the charges were dropped. Williams’ attorney maintains that his client is innocent and believes the charges were dismissed because there was a weak case against him.

Ken Daley, a spokesman for District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro’s office, released the following statement, “Based upon the totality of evidence available, we decided it was not prudent to proceed to trial at this time. Investigation into the murder of Desmone Jerome remains open and ongoing.”

No other suspects have been comprehended at this time.

BTY YoungN was killed just days before he was supposed to meet with a lawyer to discuss signing with Cash Money Records. BTY’s mother believe’s jealousy was behind his murder.

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