Home » Boosie BadAzz Gives An Update On His Health Two Months After Kidney Surgery

Boosie BadAzz Gives An Update On His Health Two Months After Kidney Surgery

by Yellah Bone


Back in 2006, Louisiana rapper Boosie BadAzz (formerly known as Lil Boosie) revealed that he had been diagnosed with Diabetes. Although this was saddening news for his fans, it wouldn’t stop Boosie from making music as long as he learned to properly manage the disease.

Unfortunately, on November 25, 2015, Boosie was diagnosed with yet another health ailment. Boosie took to Instagram to announce that he had been diagnosed with kidney cancer, before asking his fans to pray for him writing, “I need all my fans to pray for me Doctor just told me I have cancer on my kidneys prayer is power that’s why I’m letting the world know prayfaboosie.” For some strange reason, the caption was later deleted, but not before fans and blogs were able to screen shot it and repost it.

In December, Boosie underwent surgery where doctors removed half of his kidney. Shortly after, Boosie announced that the surgery was a success and that he was cancer-free. The “All I Know” rapper spent the next few months recovering, even using his music as a source of therapy.

In a recent interview with XXL, Boosie caught everyone up to speed on how he’s doing now stating, “I’m cancer-free right now. After my surgery I stayed in cancer rehab for a month and two weeks. That was crazy but ever since I’ve been released I’ve been cancer-free. I got a trainer, trying to get my weight back. I had lost 42 pounds, so right now I’m just working to get all the way back health. Right now, I’m healthier than I ever been. I’m back doing shows. I have more wind now than I had doing shows before I had cancer. So I’m in a good point in my life. I’m cancer-free.”

When asked how he felt the day of surgery, Boosie stated, “I think I was more confident the day I went in because the two days before you got to go through the anesthesia process and I was like, damn how long am I going to be sleep. But Dr. Wood, my cancer doctor, the day before my surgery he talked to me and he was like, “It is nothing to worry about. I’ve done over 5,000 surgeries. Just like you, how many concert that you done, this is what I do.” He made me confident that I was coming out.

So that day I was more confident then the two days before because the two days before, that’s when I’m signing all these papers, like if this happens and if that happens. But when I talked to the guy who was cutting on me, that strengthen me up. I knew I was going to be sleep. I just went to sleep and woke up like four hours later and it was gone. They took like some of my kidney out. I still got a kidney and a half. But I had a successful surgery, I didn’t need chemo, radiation or nothing like that.”

Glad to see Boosie is on the road to recovery and feeling better than ever!

Check out what he had to say to those who said he lied about his cancer diagnosis below!


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