Home » Beyoncé Fights To Keep Text Convos With Jay Z & Mama Tina Confidential

Beyoncé Fights To Keep Text Convos With Jay Z & Mama Tina Confidential

by iyeastaff2

Beyoncé is determined to trademark her daughter’s name, Blue Ivy Carter, but a wedding planner won’t let her be great. According to The Blast, Veronica Morales – the wedding planner – wants Mrs. Carter to hand over all communication, which includes text messages with her husband Jay Z and mother Tina Lawson and any record of conversations between them about the trademark.

Morales doesn’t believe Bey ever planned on using the trademark, so she wants her turn over any evidence and samples of her intent to use the name. But, Mrs. Carter isn’t turning over anything. She refused to turn over the records and has demanded a protective order be entered to prohibit Morales or her team from leaking the confidential information.

The site reports:

Morales is also seeking all communications with Jay-Z relating to their 2016 trademark application, any communications of her or Jay-Z knowing about “Blue Ivy” before their daughter was born in February 2012, and any records of convos with Bey and her mother about the mark.

Beyoncé has thus far refused to hand over the documents and is demanding a protective order be entered which would prohibit Morales or her legal team from leaking the confidential information.

Blue Ivy was born January 7, 2012. In October 2012 it was reported the Carters’ application for the “Blue Ivy” trademark was placed on hold by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office since the office granted “Blue Ivy” trademark rights to the Boston wedding planner.

In February 2017, Bey filed to lock down the “Blue Ivy Carter” trademark to be sure she had the exclusive use of her daughter’s name. Morales filed to oppose the application, demanding the “Love On Top” singer not be allowed to trademark the name.

Morales’ company had been around three years before Beyoncé’s daughter was born. She pointed out in her opposition that Jay-Z even spoke to Vanity Fair admitting they had no intention of using the Blue Ivy mark to sell products but wanted to prevent others from profiting.

The battle has been going on over a year and turned particularly nasty last year with Beyoncé accusing Morales of offering to sell her company for $10 million to the singer. Morales denied the allegations.

It is true what they say: More money, more problems.

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