Home » Beyonce Details Health Scare During Second Pregnancy In Vogue Cover Story

Beyonce Details Health Scare During Second Pregnancy In Vogue Cover Story

by Yellah Bone
beyonce details pregnancy scare with vogue

Jay-Z supported Beyonce 100%.

After giving birth to twins, making her very first public debut, then heading out on tour – fans are convinced that Beyonce is a superwoman who could snap back from anything. But according to Bey, it wasn’t an easy process.

While sitting down for Vogue’s September cover story, King Bey detailed some of her health complications that she had to deal with towards the end of her pregnancy and after giving birth – forcing her to spend many week in the NICU. Jay-Z remained by her side throughout the entire ordeal.

“I was 218 pounds the day I gave birth to Rumi and Sir. I was swollen from toxemia and had been on bed rest for over a month. My health and my babies’ health were in danger, so I had an emergency C-section. We spent many weeks in the NICU.”

“My husband was a soldier and such a strong support system for me. I am proud to have been a witness to his strength and evolution as a man, a best friend, and a father. I was in survival mode and did not grasp it all until months later.”

Beyonce added, “Today I have a connection to any parent who has been through such an experience.”

After giving birth to Blue Ivy, Beyonce said she felt pressure to lose weight, but admits to taking a different approach this time around and made a good effort to “embrace her curves”, “After the C-section, my core felt different. It had been major surgery. Some of your organs are shifted temporarily, and in rare cases, removed temporarily during delivery. I am not sure everyone understands that.”

“I needed time to heal, to recover. During my recovery, I gave myself self-love and self-care, and I embraced being curvier. I accepted what my body wanted to be. After six months, I started preparing for Coachella. I became vegan temporarily, gave up coffee, alcohol, and all fruit drinks. But I was patient with myself and enjoyed my fuller curves. My kids and husband did, too.”

Read the full piece here.

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