Home » Beanie Sigel Talks Getting Suckered Punched, Blasts Meek Mill

Beanie Sigel Talks Getting Suckered Punched, Blasts Meek Mill

by Yellah Bone
beanie sigel talks getting sucker punched blasts meek mill

beanie sigel talks getting sucker punched blasts meek mill

Beanie Sigel takes shots at Meek Mill.

Last week, footage surfaced showing Beanie Sigel getting knocked out backstage at the Bad Boy Family Reunion concert in Philadelphia. Up until now, we’ve only heard one side of the story, which came from the Beans alleged attacker, Teefy Bey – a member of Meek Mill’s Dreamchasers.

However, Beans recently sat down for an exclusive interview with Taxstone, and set the record straight once and for all. Let’s just say that Beans went off and got a few things off of his chest. Beans told Taxstone, “Wasn’t nothing straight up, he stood up in front of me. Let’s keep it 100. The people who got the full tape, show it. It’s me and three n*ggas that’s probably, no bigger than 5’2. You got a 6’4″ 300 something pound n*gga whose front lining for this dude. Young boy, in his prime.”

Beans went on to say that Meek needs to stop making problems for himself, “On every record you talk about how you’re going to war with a ghost. All these people hate you. All these people wanna rob you. The whole city hate you. Who in Philadelphia hate you? You bringing that on yourself. You talking that into fruition.”

“Everybody was for you cuz. It was at a time when n*ggas rooted for Meek… Now it’s to the point where your f*ckery is becoming transparent. Now you at a place where n*ggas is saying man you misrepresenting Philadelphia.”

“You want the respect that I got but you can’t, you gotta earn it. You argue with people in your comments to the point where you worry about what the peanut gallery got to say and not worry about what the thoroughbreds think about you. F*ck the peanut gallery.”

Listen to the entire interview below, Beans interview starts at the 24:30 mark.

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