Home » According To Jaheim, He Is Just Fine

According To Jaheim, He Is Just Fine

by Yellah Bone

Rest assure, Jaheim is okay.

After posting new photos of himself on Instagram, Jaheim has sent his fans into a frenzy. Nowadays, the “Put That Woman First” singer looks much different than he did when he first hit the music scene – he’s lost a lot of weight, and to be quite honest – he looks sick.

After catching wind of the speculation regarding his health and possible drug use, Jaheim decided to lay the rumors to rest once and for all. Apparently, Jaheim has adapted a healthier lifestyle, and is now a vegan – which may explain the reason behind his weight loss.

Other than that, Jaheim says he is traveling and embracing life, and informs fans that he is working on hew music. “Spent a full day in my homeland in the city of New Brunswick, it was like being in the twilight zone so much going on and everything has changed saw ppl I haven’t seen in years always good to see people or to eat at 5 star restaurant’s like (Veganized) they have really grand food & service and tastes so good.”

“Traveling thru life looking from the inside vs the outside observing in and I’m enjoying the great adventures of JA-Heim I’m loving every bit of it yes my ups and downs now watch all my turns arounds trouble don’t last always.”

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